Today marked a mile stone....Ethan started 6th grade today....Emily, 8th grade....2 kids in middle, where has the time gone.....Emotions are running through my head this morning....Excitement, sadness, anticipation......and sad.....My babies are growing up, this window is getting smaller, time is getting shorter before things will change again......

Have we done everything we could do to get them to this point, have we taught them everything we could to be ready to face this phase of challenges, temptations, experiences, have we prepared them enough, have we prayed enough, have we poured in enough????? These are the questions I'm guessing every parent thinks and asks themselves on a day like today......Will there be a bully, will they get picked on? Will they have good friends, will they be a good friend? Will they feel accepted and loved???? Will they accept and love others? Did we do all we could to set them up for successes instead of failures?

All these things are racing through my mind.........I know I will never be a perfect parent, Some days I struggle to feel enough.......I want to be the best parent for my kids......have I done my best?

Well, the bottom line.....where I have to rest is......I pray I've done the best I have to trust God for the rest.....We dedicated our children to the Lord when they were babies.....we committed to care for them, train them, teach them, love them.....we've tried to do all those things.......I have to leave them in His Hands! He has the best ones!

So, I pray my kids have a great day at school....that they like their teachers, do their very best, get along with their classmates, make new friends, connect with some old a good friend to someone who looks lonely or sad......and most of all be the person God created them to be.......

I love my kids and want whats best for them......

Jesus, walk with Emily & Ethan today.....keep them safe and protected.....

I love you Emily & Ethan........