Friday, November 23, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

Well, today has been a little tough for me. It was 2 years ago today that my grammie passed away. She was 88 1/2 years old and one of the most amazing women I have ever met. I can not remember my grammie ever complaining, I never heard her say, why me, it's not fair or anything like that. She had a lot she could have said it's not fair about. She buried 2 husbands, was alone for about 41 years. She lived a good life, loved her family without reservation or strings and gave to everyone she met. She always had a kind word and a smile.

When I needed someone to pray, she was the first person I called. I knew that she prayed for our family at least twice per day. If I needed to talk I would call her, she always new just what to say and I always felt better by the time we were done talking.

My kids loved her, they thought she was a very special lady! Emily is still writing poems about her.

One of my favorite memories, one day when Ted & I were at her apartment (we were just married then) we were getting ready to leave and she looked at Ted and said "by Joe" we looked at her and she got the funniest look on her face and we all started to laugh. It became a big joke between us and after that whenever she would call, she would ask about "Joe." It was our inside joke.

I miss grammie so much! I miss our talks, I miss her hugs & smiles and I miss her prayers!

I have so much to be thankful for,

~ my husband

~ my amazing kids

~ my family

~ our home

~ our church

~ a beautiful state to live in

~ friends

We spent the past week at our friends, Paul & Lori, they live in Springfield, CO. We helped them move from one house into a new one. It was a lot of work, but we had so much fun! We spent Thanksgiving with them. We had so much amazing food! We had to drive home after dinner (in the afternoon), that was sad, but it was good to be home too.....

Here are some pictures of the kids

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Well, the leaves are almost gone off the trees. There are leaves all over the yard. Before Ted and the kids raked them all up I took them out for a few pictures.

Time is just flying by!

Monday, November 5, 2007


Well this year Halloween was very different for our family. Normally we are at the church participating in the Carnival of Light. Emily & Ethan have never been trick or treating. This year the church decided to try something different and sponser Neighborhood Block Parties. Our friends and life group leaders hosted one in their culdesac. We had a jumper and games, hot chocolate, hot apple cider and cookies and candy and candy and candy. Did I mention we had candy?

Emily went out trick or treating with some of the kids from our life group. They had a great time. Ethan decided he wanted to stay at the house with the jump castle and games. They had a really good time, in spite of the cold temperatures.

Here are some pictures.

Emily & Ethan in his first costume

Jordyn in her dalmation costume

Ethan the storm trooper

Emily & Jordyn